Well; not a lot of people at all! I mean in Pyrénées
In fact it's the only place in France where wild bears are living in their natural habitat
But they are so numerous: About 20 brown bears (Don't lough please) that all have a name! Balou, Franska, Sarousse, Hvala, Boutxi..
Anyway, it's an endangered and protected animal in France and in the years 80 they were close to the extinction. So we've reintroduced brown bears from Slovenia in the years 90 and the last time in 2006 (4 females, 1 male)
They are monitored by the
National office of Game and Wildlife"
As usual, people in Pyrénées are arguing a lot about reintroduction..
Most of local hunters associations are not very pro bears.. But the most active against the reintroduction are the shepherds who let graze their sheep in the mountain during spring and summer. So the Government help these people to buy trained "White Pyrénées"dogs, called "Patou"; electrical fences and when the worst happens,they get a financial compensation
I'm sure it brings to your mind any articles about reintroduction, delisting..That I read quite every day on New West.net, Billings Gazette etc..
I will give you the opinion of people like hunters, sheperds, agents of National Offices trough next posts in my Blog
Coming back to the bear,they are from the sub specie Ursus arctos vs Grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis), they are smaller in size and weight
I've never seen myself a brown bear from Pyrénées, except during release operation
But honestly, I'm very happy to know that he is living there
When we are hiking or backpacking and we found tracks of a bear (rarely) we feel excited and proud to share the same mountains, the same landscape
When I hike in Glacier or Yellowstone for wildlife and landscape photography, I have to confess that I feel not so confident despite my "pepper spray"
But each time I saw a Grizz or even a black bear, that was really great moments..
I'll talk you about that in other posts
Someone said (an American guy) something like: "Mountain without bears is a mountain without spirit"
I totally agree